NEW BEDFORD, MA – Certified Fisheries Liaison Crew Change for Vineyard Wind project. We will be performing a CFLO crew change on the Go Pursuit this week.
The Go Pursuit has been performing GeoSurvey operations for Vineyard Wind south of Martha’s Vineyard and will be performing a CFLO crew-change on September 29.
Crew changes normally happen every three weeks. It is called “rotation” (crew members work 6 weeks on and 3 weeks off) where half of the crew goes home for three weeks and the new crew joins the other half who have been on the boat for three weeks. Certified Fisheries Liaisons work 6 weeks on 6 weeks off.
Interesting Note for Land-Lovers: Working on the water is a “Lifestyle” and “Identity” for fishermen and many of the CFLO’s head right back offshore for a week or more just to get back offshore!
Offshore Wind provides additional opportunities for mariners to support their families, live the lifestyle they are accustomed to and maintain their identity and we at Offshore Wind Farm Support are glad to help provide an easy, non-intimidating way for fishermen to work in Offshore Wind.
“There are 17 different Offshore Wind Farms under development on the Eastern Seaboard and Vineyard Wind is one of three developers who really care about working closely with fishermen and mariners in the area. I only wish the rest of the developers would recognize the importance of hiring fishermen because we have dozens of fishermen wanting to get involved in Offshore Wind”. Paul Forsberg/ Co-Founder Offshore Wind Farm Support LLC
If you or anyone you know are interested to learn more about our “Certified Fisheries Liaison Program,” feel free to contacts us by clicking one of the lnks below.
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