Results of the Video “The Truth About Offshore Wind”
I wanted to share with you the results of the video I posted last week:
- 1,100 YouTube views
- 38 new subscribers
- 13 thumbs up likes.
- 1 thumbs down – dislike.
When I posted the video about Offshore Wind on Facebook, I thought I’d get deluged with nasty comments.
The First Few Days of I Got TWO Negative Comments
The first comment: After 8 – 10 back and forth comments with him and me politely asking him to clarify his accusations with facts as I did on the video, he made an excuse to get off the thread. I have not heard from him since.
The other hater was an even shorter engagement: All I did was ask him to send me proof of his allegations so I could read them for myself – he vanished.
So I took all of 3 minutes and did a little research on them and this is what I found that these 2 people are haters. They hate anything and everything unless it directly benefits them.
I have a network of over 2,500 fishermen on my Facebook and only getting ONLY TWO negative responses leads me to believe there are a LOT of fishermen quietly watching in the background afraid to say anything for fear of being roasted by the haters.
So Far, So Good Right?
… It Gets Better.
One very big name from within the recreational fishing community watched the video and replied to me in a private message – part of which is below:
“Paul, I don’t know how you did it, but my goodness you nailed every point I have brought up and you said that you are always open to discussion….this is going to be something I will talk about now, and I will be spreading your video in order for fishermen to make an informed decision.”
A little later in the conversation he said this:
“Paul, what you did here really impacted my thinking and I am listening for a second time. I will be talking with Tony and I believe you have something to say that Tony cannot…you have done it and your family is in the fishing business and you would not do anything to hurt your families business because of your kids and grandkids.”
After a lengthly messenger conversation, I can confidently state that one of the “Big” voices within the for hire recreational fishing community changed their tone and now support Offshore Wind.
His endorsement carries a lot of weight.
I am willing to bet with a little promotion we could grow a windfarm advocacy group rather easily and turn public sentiment in our favor.
“At Offshore Wind Farm Support, we’ll continue to monitor for opportunities to assist Off Shore Wind Farming with public relations, community out reach and education, digital marketing, and more…if you’d like to know more contact us at 601-SEA-WIND.”